Please join us for this very special, exclusive fundraising event at Capitol Records Studio B.
Seating is limited to 50 people.
You can purchase tickets here.
You will be directed to a secure PayPal link
to make your purchase.
Tickets are $125.00 plus a $4.00 processing fee.
Please make sure you fill out the contact information at the bottom of the PayPal page with your e-mail so we can send you your ticket(s).
If you would prefer to pay by check please email me
for mailing information: janis@janismann.com

Janis Mann
Larry Koonse
Kenny Werner

Janis Mann - Personal Mission Statement
Dear Friends, https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=D7UT448GGQSY6
I would love to share with you how this very inspired project got started. Many of you already know me through my music. I have always been passionate about the healing power of music since I was young. Music has helped me survive some of my own trauma in my life. It is something that I cherish and never take for granted. I view music as the true universal language and I see how it brings people together on a spiritual level. I experience this healing on a regular basis through my concerts and my teaching.
Two years ago we lost my husband’s Mom to Alzheimer’s disease. It was a long and very painful battle. It is so heartbreaking! Unfortunately, it is way too common and I meet so many people that have sad stories of their own. This is a scary disease and most of the time we feel so powerless. It is difficult to watch our loved ones slip away and not be able to communicate with them anymore. I am very hopeful that a cure will come about in the near future.
For quite a while now, I have wanted to be able to use my talent to help in any way that I could to support the families and victims of Alzheimer’s disease. But I really didn’t know how until now. A few years ago I heard about an amazing award-winning documentary, “Alive Inside,” where a social worker in NYC was using music therapy to help patients and their families with astounding results. At the time that I first heard about the film, it was still too emotional for me to watch.
I finally watched it and something changed in me! It was exactly what I had hoped for. A way for me to let go of the fear and know that I could help . I was amazed at the results. I cried tears of joy knowing there is a way to reach unresponsive patients with music. Scientists have found that music touches quite a large area of our brain in a very profound way. It effects our emotions, memories, and it even touches us physiologically. You will be amazed when you watch this documentary for yourselves.
Music is the soundtrack of our lives. We have come such a long way with technology. Being able to use it to program iPods with personalized music that each individual patient loves is quite a gift! The music touches deep and vivid memories and emotions that bring people back to a sense of who they are again. Doctors are finding that they can use a lot less medication to deal with a patient's agitation. Families and caretakers are able to connect with patients in a way they were not able to do before.
This is my heart felt mission! I hope you will be moved to help us complete our mission.
Thank you sincerely,
Janis Mann
Project Mission Statement
The mission of this project is to produce an artistically and economically successful CD with all the proceeds going to benefit the Alive Inside Foundation, with whom we are partnering, to provide music therapy for people with Alzheimer’s. I am donating my 2016 New York recording session tracks along with selected tracks from the September 2019 live concert at Capitol Records.
The Artists
Janis Mann is an award-winning, nationally recognized jazz vocalist who has seven successful CD recordings to her credit. She is also an accomplished producer of concerts and recordings and has performed with some of the greatest names in jazz. She produced a similar concert/recording project while living in Seattle and raised $20,000 for the Swedish Hospital Breast Care Center there. For more info: www.janismann.com
Kenny Werner is one of the most respected pianists in jazz and his book “Effortless Mastery” has inspired countless musicians around the world. He is currently head of the Effortless Mastery Institute at Berklee College of Music in Boston. He tours worldwide and his numerous recordings are esteemed for their imagination and artistry. For more info: www.kennywerner.com
Larry Koonse is a guitar wizard who has few equals. Kenny Werner says he is the most intuitive guitar player he has ever worked with. Larry is a first call player for concerts and recording sessions throughout the world. For more info: www.larrykoonse.com
The Recording
The concert will be recorded by master engineer Talley Sherwood on site at Capitol’s Studio B with a live audience. After editing, mixing, mastering, and duplication a CD will be released on the independent Pancake Records label with attendant promotion and publicity to raise awareness of the charity and ensure generous sales to benefit Alive Inside. All CD sales monies will go to Alive Inside.
Concert proceeds and additional sponsorships will underwrite the costs of production so that the Foundation benefits from all sales. Any excess funds generated will likewise go to the Foundation.
The Alive Inside Foundation
Alive Inside provides music players to Alzheimer’s patients, their families, and volunteers to engage in a personalized music therapy which has proven to enrich and revitalize otherwise unresponsive individuals.
Alive Inside is combatting society's epidemic of loneliness and disconnection through re-connecting people across generations. By creating spaces where volunteers can learn and practice empathy-building interactions they seek to empower young and old alike to rediscover their place in each other's lives.
Their mission is to activate Individuals and Communities to improve elders' quality of life by providing music and building relationships.
How they do it:
Create a centralized online platform to educate and coordinate a nationwide network of volunteers.
Support schools in creating curriculums that teach students by engaging them in projects with elders.
Provide music players to 1 million Alzheimers dementia patients by 2025.
Activate 1 million volunteers to deliver music to dementia patients by 2025.
Support practices that reverse and aid cognitive decline.
For more info: www.aliveinside.org
The movie “Alive Inside” which led to the creation of the foundation is available on YouTube and other platforms.
A trailer can be viewed here:
Executive Summary
The CD is being produced by Janis Mann and Bill Olmstead. Janis Mann is a noted producer and visual designer in addition to being a musician. Bill Olmstead is an animator, designer, and operations manager who has served as executive producer and graphics designer for Pancake Records. Pancake Records is their record label.
Thank You
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this presentation. If you have any other questions or are interested in being a producting partner, please contact Janis Mann at (206) 271-2262 or Bill Olmstead at (310) 822-0135.

The letter below is a testimonial from our last charity project for the Swedish Breast Care Center in Seattle. After this letter was written we raised an additional nearly four thousand dollars.